Dear family,
Today we had our transferly zone activity. We had a kick ball
tournament with a slip n slide to home base. It was so fun, I think I
enjoyed it more than a lot of the sisters did. When my team wasn't
playing, I substituted in a couple other teams when a sister didn't
want to participate. And now I'm super burned so that's fun. That's
more sun than I've gotten all summer.
The rain over here is crazy. Yesterday was so warm and sunny and then
out of nowhere a huge storm hit. It came while Sister Lewis and I were
at dinner with a member. We didn't have umbrellas and had to run up
their long driveway to our car and I couldn't find my keys for a good
30 seconds so we got drenched. It was then nice and hot and humid
today for our zone activity and now the rain is starting up again.
East coast storms are so fun.
Saturday morning we had an emergency test. At 6:30am President Cooke
texted all of us and told us we we're have an emergency test and to go
to our nearest church building. We all went and basically sat there
for 2 hours. Lucky for us, we live in the K house with all the senior
couples and lots of missionaries so there were 16ish missionaries at
the chapel and the senior couples knew about the drill beforehand and
brought us all doughnuts. K house for the win.
Tuesday afternoon we had a sisters conference thing in DC. We went to
the library of congress and botanical gardens. We sat for a while on
the grass by the Capitol building and talked. Sister Cooke has been
worried about our health and some sisters have been developing eating
disorders and whatnot. Don't worry I ate three pieces of pizza today
at zone activity, I'm good. It was a nice activity and break.
Sister Lewis and I were struggling hardcore on Saturday. A nice old
lady in the ward invited us over for lunch at noon. We went over and
she had us sit down while she left for ten minutes to see if her
neighbor could join us. Sister Lewis and I fell asleep and we nudged
awake each other barely in time to sit up as she walked back in. Then
after we finished eating lunch she talked to us for a while. I don't
know what it is about old lady houses but something in the air puts us
to sleep. We were both struggling so hard to stay awake as she talked,
it was bad. Then another one of her neighbors knocked on the door and
she went around the corner to answer it and talk to him and Sister
Lewis and I kept on nodding off and only waking up when she would say
something loud or we thought she was coming back. We were glad when we
could finally leave. The struggle is real. She signed up for lunch
again this Saturday.. help me.
Meredith is doing super well. We visited her at work and brought her
cookies on Friday night because she was having a bad day. She came to
church again for the third time in a row on Sunday and we taught her
two lessons, one after church and one at night. Tonight we are gonna
watch The Testaments with her at the Visitors Center. I'm so excited
for her to be baptized!
Alba will be giving birth any day now so we haven't met with her much.
Pulla hasn't been coming to church so we are thinking we might have to
drop him :( I hate dropping people but we have limited time to teach
and we'd rather spend time teaching those who are willing to come to
church and keep commitments.
I just barely dyed my hair! I've been wanting something new with my
hair so Sister Truman dyed and straightened it for me(: Let's see how
well the straight hair goes with the humidity. The humidity hasn't
been bad but it's there.
Moroni 10:32-33. Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him. This
scripture is also the mutual theme this year.
I love you all so so so so much!! Can you believe it's September?
What? Crazy! K bye!
Sister Black
My hair and sunburn.
Studying in my element. The cats can never resist my charm.
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